Grand Island CSD
Before and After School Programs:
AM Program starts at 7:00 AM
Huth Elementary ("AM hub" for all students). UPK-Middle School; District transportation available if needed.
PM Programs - Dismissal through 6:00 PM
Huth Road (2nd-5th)
Kaegebein (2nd-5th)
Sidway (UPK, K, 1st)
Additional Offerings:
Break Camp Programs:
Break Camp Information
February Break (President's Week)
Registration opens in early January
Spring Break
Registration opens in early March
Half Days:
Offering services on all district half days (elementary), from dismissal through 5:30 PM.
Superintendent's Conference Days:
Full day programs on Superintendent's Conference days and the full day Parent Teacher Conference Day, at one of the district schools. Programming runs 7:30-5:30 daily. Like Break Camps, this is an a la carte service and registration is separate from the regular before/after school programs.
Summer Club:
Summer Camp Information
Registration opens mid-Winter
Free Tuition Eligibility:
Just for Kids is happy to support the needs of local families.
We have contracted with the Erie County Department of Social Services, which subsidizes the tuition for qualified parents. Please contact our DSS liaison, Mikayla, at 716.639.8500 x 203 or visit for more information.
- Apply for Child Care Assistance Online:
- Video outlining DSS process: